A criminal record can keep you from getting a job, getting into college or otherwise detrimentally impact your life. But not all charges necessarily need to stay on your record forever, which is where the Law Offices of Lidia Alperovich, LLC, can help.
Attorney Lidia Alperovich can walk you through the process of expungement, which is the legal measure used clear your criminal record. Expungement may allow you to remove certain criminal offenses from your record, protecting your future and your reputation.
Pennsylvania Expungement Lawyer Lidia Alperovich
Attorney Lidia Alperovich understands how harmful a criminal conviction can be. We can work with you to clear your record in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, taking personal approach to every case and every client. The courts in both states look at a number of factors to determine if your record can be expunged, such as:
- The length of time since your conviction
- Completion of your post-conviction obligations, such as jail time, community service or rehabilitation
- The severity of your offense
- Your prior criminal record
Law Offices of Lidia Alperovich, LLC, Help Clear Criminal Records
The Law Offices of Lidia Alperovich, LLC, help clients file for expungement for both adult and juvenile crimes, including drunk driving and traffic offenses. We can guide you through the entire process of clearing your record, standing by you every step of the way.
We typically begin the process by drafting the petition, then continue our support by representing you at the hearing. The final step is following up with law enforcement agencies to ensure that your expunged record has been properly removed from agency files and databases.
Once criminal offenses have been officially expunged from your record, you no longer have to list them on applications or otherwise disclose them in any type of inquiry. Expungement can help reduce your limitations for getting a job, getting into college, renting an apartment or in other situations that ask about a criminal past.
For more information or a consultation, contact Pennsylvania Expungement Lawyer Lidia Alperovich.
Help my family when we need it
I highly recommend Lidia Alperovich. She is very professional, expert in her field, knowledgeable. We are glad to have her as an attorney. Thank you.
– Valerie, a Litigation client